With some of the turkey breast I made this wonderful casserole that has now become my favorite! First I browned the cubed up turkey in a little oil with a little garlic and seasoning salt, I ran out of pepper corns or I would have added fresh ground pepper to it too! I then peeled and cubed up a few potatoes and set them to boil for about 15-20 minutes till tender but not mushy. In the pan I cooked the turkey I added a little oil and sautéed some sliced carrots with a little garlic powder and seasoning salt as well. Wow, so yummy, I am not one for cooked carrots (at least not boiled or baked anyways) but these were good! Sweet and delicious. I then sautéed a little chopped up broccoli. Mix it all in a large bowl, add an 8 oz tub of sour cream, 4 oz of softened cream cheese, 1/4 cup of shredded Parmesan cheese and a splash of milk. By the way have your oven preheated to 350 degrees F, place mixture in a casserole dish and bake uncovered for about 30-35 minutes. Serve with some fresh bread and a salad and you have a meal fit for a king!