
Tuesday, November 6, 2012

My pin list

On to this weeks "pin list" of things to make and do...first off I have a few Ghost Peppers that have been whispering my since I am all out of hot sauce, that is what I plan to make with them...we will see if I regret it or already had to open some windows upstairs to ventilate the house since I am rehydrating these babies...cough, cough, cough...I love anything spicy, so I can't wait...


Next on my list...I am not the normal coffee girl, I like my drinks fluffy and I think this is in order...I love it when my husband buys these and I will sip off of his, but his is usually way to strong for me, I am a weakling and don't like to taste a glass full of coffee beans in my cup...

As of late my sewing machine has been whispering my name as well...I made my first ruffly skirt, well ruffle bottom anyways, for Miah the other day and I have a huge pile of jeans to upcycle into skirts.  I was going to do a normal jean into skirt transformation until I came across this pic...and have decided to try this instead :)

And last but definitely not least...This adorable car seat swaddler.  It gets kind of cold here in Montana so I have decided Joci needs one of these to keep her warm, that way she will not kick off her cover like she loves to do...

So, once these have all been done, I will update you all with my successes (hopefully successes...)

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